Winter 2025 PLOUF (Learn to Dive)

The PLOUF program will start on Saturday, February 1, 2025.

Please complete the following information to register in a PLOUF program with Cygnus Diving Club. The next PLOUF class starts Saturday, February 1, 2025. Two class options are available; both are the same content and children will be encouraged to work on skills at their own pace, regardless of the class.  PLOUF 1 is 9:30-10:45am, PLOUF 2 is 10:30-11:45am. Cost for the PLOUF program is $250 for a 10-week session, plus a $25 NSADA/DPC fee, paid once per season. Official registration is complete only when a completed form and payment has been received, and receipt of payment has been issued. Please allow several business days for your invoice to be sent. If you have any questions about registration please contact

Program Selection


Diver Information


Parent/Guardian/Emergency Contact


Medical Information

Photo Consent and Media Release Form

I/we hereby grant consent to Cygnus Diving Club and the Nova Scotia Amateur Diving Association (NSADA) to reproduce and/or use photos taken or obtained of the registered diver for use in the promotion of Cygnus Diving Club and NSADA.

I/we understand and agree that any and all photographs, recordings, films or reproductions may be used to promote the athletes, Cygnus Diving Club and NSADA.

I/we herby release Cygnus Diving Club and its officers, directors, agents and employees from any and all liability arising from the rights granted hereby and from the use of my/my child’s name and likeness as herein authorized.

I/we understand that reproduction and usage of my/my child’s image, name, likeness and/or written comments through any media come without compensation and are solely for the purpose of promoting the sport, Cygnus Diving Club, and NSADA.

I/we understand that the image or likeness of me/my child may appear in print materials (such as brochures, displays, posters, or advertising), or online (website and social media).

I am aware that accidents and injury are an inherent risk of diving and can happen without any fault on the part of the instructors/coaches, Cygnus Diving Club or Centennial Pool.  By allowing the above named registrant to participate in this activity, I accept the risk of accident and injury and agree that the activity as described in the program information is suitable for the registrant.

I understand that for the safety and privacy of all participants, no photos or videos are permitted. If found in violation of this policy, I/my child/guardian may be asked to leave the facility.

A springboard and platform diving club in Halifax, NS.